There is not enough memory to store the new patch dump. Please delete unused patchlists or patch dumps, or increase PatchList Manager's memory partition by choosing "Get Info" in the Finder.
PatchList Manager is running very low on memory. Please close any open windows, save your work, and quit as soon as possible. You can give more memory to PatchList Manager by choosing "Get Info" in the Finder.
This version of PatchList Manager邃「 requires FreeMIDI version 1.05 or higher to operate correctly. Please make sure the latest version is installed and restart your Macintosh.
There is already a module on the same channel which uses this patch list. Please select a different patch list for this module.
There is already a module on this channel which uses the same patch list. Please assign another patch list to this module or select a different channel.
There is no help available for this device because it has not been configured.
Sorry, it is not possible to change the number of patches in a bank once it is assigned to a device. To change the number of patches, you must first de-assign the bank.
There is no current FreeMIDI configuration. Please create a configuration using FreeMIDI Setup and re-launch PatchList Manager邃「.
PatchList Manager邃「 was unable to sign into FreeMIDI. Please make sure that FreeMIDI is installed and restart your Macintosh.
The device is not responding. Please check the power, the cable connections, and the device ID. You may need to change the device's receive channel or device ID in FreeMIDI Setup.